Parametric and functional test using automatic test benches. Microcontroller and middleware software, application and HMI software design services, offering a complete solution in the automotive equipment field


Joining Nexion Engineering means working in an innovative and technologically advanced company.

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About us

Nexion Engineering is a Nexion Group company established in 2016. It collects all the Group’s e-skills, Leader in workshop equipment and tyre service centre.

Our highly specialised technical staff – expert in electronics and the laboratory equipped with sophisticated instruments – offer Nexion Group a personalised service focused on the design, prototyping, engineering, pre-production testing and inspection, for the development of “turnkey” projects.

Industrial research, innovation and technology transfer are the strengths of Nexion Engineering: a cutting-edge, flexible and performing company.

Our technical, technological and component choices are made according to the type of equipment, radio frequency or power electronics equipment, and based on production volumes.
Continuous investments in research and development allow us to have a high ability to respond and customise design needs.


Automotive equipments – HMI/UI Developments – Automation solutions – Sensor solutions – Connectivity solutions – Automotive diagnostic solutions – Artificial vision solutions

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Products & Services

Our highly specialised technical staff – expert in electronics and the laboratory equipped with sophisticated instruments – offer Nexion Group a personalised service focused on the design, prototyping, engineering, pre-production testing and inspection, for the development of “turnkey” projects.

Contact us for information or a quote

